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Headlight Hiders Thin Reusable Silicone Nipple Pasties

Bán tại: Mỹ
Dự kiến giao hàng từ Mỹ về Việt Nam ngày 21-05-2024 - 27-05-2024
*Miễn phí Vận chuyển Siêu tốc cho Platinum và Super VIP. Nâng cấp ngay
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Thương hiệu BOOB-EEZ là cái tên nổi tiếng được rất nhiều khách hàng trên thế giới chọn lựa. Sản phẩm HEADLIGHT HIDERS THIN REUSABLE SILICONE NIPPLE PASTIES là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo nếu bạn đang tìm mua một món cho riêng mình.
Tính năng sản phẩm
Sản phẩm Headlight Hiders Thin Reusable Silicone Nipple Pasties của thương hiệu Boob-eez với nhiều tính năng nổi bậc, là một sản phẩm được nhiều khách hàng trên thế giới lựa chọn.

Product description

Boob-eez Headlight Hiders are super-thin silicone discs that offer an invisible barrier between breasts and clothing. They are washable, reusable, and have a "disappearing edge" that that makes them virtually invisible under clothes. Available in 6 cm and 8 cm sizes with nude and dark mocha color choices, there's a fashion fix for everyone. Apply them to clean, dry skin free of any lotions or oils for a strong adhesive stick that stays in place without leaving any pesky residue behind. From getting your sweat on at the gym to soaking up the sun in your bikini, DARE TO GO BRALESS.

Boob-eez "Headlight" Hiders product description. RUN WORKOUT DANCE - fashion fix undergarment

  • High-Quality Reusable Nipple Pasties Made with hypoallergenic medical-grade silicone, our reusable nipple covers are super skin-friendly and won't cause any irritation.
  • Hide "Headlights" Without Adding Bulk Ultra thin and perfectly sized to fit your nipple without adding any extra bulk or weight. Flexible with a tapered edge, they blend seamlessly with skin to banish pesky headlights.
  • Can Be Used Anywhere Since they're waterproof, Boob-eez Nipple Covers are perfect for your active lifestyle. They can be worn during a workout, while swimming, and can even prevent nipple chafing when you run!
  • Feel Confident in All Fashion Trends Wear Boob-eez pasties under gowns, t-shirts, gym wear, swimwear, strapless and backless dresses for a perfectly uncluttered look.
Full line of Boob-eez "Headlight" Hiders - washable, reusable pasties in 3 universal nudes.


Boob-eez "Headlight" Hiders are perfect for keeping you comfortable no matter the trend. Check out our other popular products (stick on bras, camis, bralettes and bandeaus) for more fashion fixes!


While on the brink of turning 10, founder Carlie Christenson was feeling insecure about her developing body. After refusing to wear a bra, and in light of stealing an array of her Mom's products, Carlie drew a picture of what would work better... and Voila! Boob-eez nipple covers were born. Boob-eez are ultra-thin, silicone discs with an adhesive backside that keep unwanted "Headlights" out of sight and out of mind. What was originally a product designed for pre-teens has become a staple underpinning for ALL women.

Magic hands - tinted to transcend skin color


Boob-eez breast pads come in three universal tints of Nude - Light Tint, Medium Tint and Dark Tint - and 2 popular sizes - 6cm & 8cm.

Boob-eez Value Proposition - Hands - thin bendable edges


Razor-thin edges blend into the skin! Boob-eez "headlight" hiders flex and form to the natural curvature of breasts for seamless wear.

Boob-eez are washable and reusable


H2O resistant, Boob-eez silicone pasties are washable and reusable up to 70 wears with proper care!

Boob-eez are hypoallergenic


Boob-eez nipple covers are made from 100% medical-grade silicone derived from quartz minerals (similar to glass material). We NEVER use latex.


Mô tả
Thông tin chi tiết sản phẩm:
  • HIGH QUALITY Designed in USA LIGHT TINT NIPPLE PASTIES: Made with hypoallergenic medical-grade silicone, our reusable nipple covers are super skin-friendly! Apply them to a clean, dry surface free of any lotions or creams for a strong adhesive stick that stays in place without leaving any residue behind.
  • PERFECT BRA-LESS LOOK: Our waterproof adhesive nipple covers blend seamlessly with your skin for a secure fit that’ll have you kissing your bra goodbye! Wear them under gowns, t-shirts, gymwear, swimwear, strapless and backless dresses for a perfectly uncluttered look.
  • LIGHT-WEIGHT: Ultra thin and perfectly sized to fit your nipple, our petals keep you covered without adding any extra bulk or weight. Flexible with a tapered edge, they blend seamlessly with skin to banish pesky headlights.
  • DURABLE & MULTI-PURPOSE: Washable and reusable, breathe life back into your nipple covers with a gentle bath of soap and water for multiple uses. Use hiders to prevent nipple chafing during running or gym time as well as to hide body piercing
  • COMFORTABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES: Our silicone nipple covers are safe for all types of skin, measure 6 centimeters in diameter and are designed to blend into the surface seamlessly.
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Người bán: Miczone LLC
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